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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to cancel or re-schedule an appointment?

Please let us know as soon as you are aware that you need to cancel or reschedule your booking.  Failure to advise us within 24 hours of your booking will result in a $30 cancellation charge payable before we are able to re-schedule your groom.

How can I pay?

Payment is accepted by either EFTPOS or cash and is payable following the groom or service.  All prices include GST.

Can I watch my dog being groomed?

We have found that pets who are accompanied by their owners tend to settle less than pets who are left alone with the groomer.  Also, the use of clippers and scissors present significant hazards for both the pet and groomer when the animal is less settled and it is for this reason that we kindly request that you return to your home to allow the groomer to work alone.  We will bring your pet back to you nice and clean and looking and smelling fabulous once their treatment is completed.

Will my dog ever be sedated?

Absolutely not, we will never sedate a dog under any circumstances.  Neither do we accept dogs which have been sedated by their owners prior to grooming.  If a dog is totally uncooperative or poses a definitive risk to it's own safety and/or that of our groomer, to the point where grooming is unable to be carried out or completed, we will return the pet to you and suggest attending a Vet to have the procedure carried out safely, but generally this is not necessary, we just use patience and re-assurance to get the dog to cooperate.

What if my dog is afraid of the dryer?

We always take our time to get pets used to the dryers, starting on the lowest setting at the dog's rear and adjusting as they get accustomed to the feel and sound.  We also have happy hoodies in all sizes to place over the dogs ears which dramatically rerduces the sound and also has a swaddling, calming effect. 

What type of products do you use?

All of our products are professional, naturally based products which are formulated with natural essential oils and herbal extracts, they are soap free, pH balanced specifically for dog's skins as well as being bio-degradable and environmentally responsible.  A number of our products are also certified vegan.  We are happy to discuss any of our products in more detail.  

Will you shave my double coated dog?

We do not shave double coated breeds.  It is a common misconception that shaving a double coated dog will help it keep cooler in summer or reduce the amount of hair you see around the home.  Our double coated friends have a special coat which is unique to them and has to be cared for differently than that of other coat types.  In a nutshell, shaving this coat type will result in the coat being permanently changed, it takes away the dog's ability to keep warm in winter and cool in summer and opens it up to damage from the sun as the dog's natural protection is removed. After a few times of shaving, dogs can develop clipping alopecia and/or hotspots and the coat will look and feel bad. Everything we do at Barkers Bazaar we do in the best interest of the dog, and for this reason, we will not shave double coated dogs but offer a de-shedding service instead.  

What happens if my dog is badly matted?

Whilst we make every effort to find out the condition of your pet when we speak with you at the time of booking, we sometimes come across dogs who have matting we were not made aware of.  Matting is extremely time consuming to remove and requires a lot of extra work, it can also be distressing to the pet.  We reserve the right to make extra charges in the event of your dog being matted.  Charges will be made based on the time taken to safely remove matting.   Unfortunately, it often isn't possible to know a final price in these circumstances as it is not known how long the procedure will take.  It is important that you make us aware if matting is present when you book your pet in so that we can book out a block of extra time and ensure our day runs to time.  On occasion, if matting is very bad and removing it is considered dangerous or too distressing to the pet, we may suggest we need to shave back to short to allow the coat to grow again or advise that a Vet will need to carry out the removal for the safety and wellbeing of the dog.  We will always talk to you about your options before taking any action. 

What if my dog has fleas?

Please do not book your dog an appointment if they have fleas.  Treat your dog with the relevant medication and wait the recommended time to check fleas have been eradicated before booking your next appointment.  If your dog is found to have fleas or other parasites during the groom,  we will apply a flea and tick rinse at an additional cost and you will be charged a cleaning fee to cover flea bombing and disinfecting the salon prior to going to our next appointment as it is vital we do not pass these onto other customers.  

Do you groom cats?

Unfortunately, we do not groom cats.

I have a different question, how can I find the information I need?

We understand there are often a lot of questions when you are selecting a person to trust with your beloved pet.  We want you to be 100% happy with your decision to use our services and are only too happy to answer any questions you might have.  If you have any questions, just call or text on 0493 054 525 or contact us by email

© 2021 Barkers Bazaar Mobile Dog Wash and Groom Proudly created with

Phone or Text to:  0493 054 525


Servicing:  Petrie, QLD 4502 and surrounding suburbs

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